Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Last Day of the rest of my life

Laying here in my bedroom basement, i hav'nt slept above ground on a regular basis in years. I think it's because there is no light, which helps me to do one of my favorite things, sleep. Tomorrow I leave for Europe, tomorrow, TOMORROW. It came so quick, I am more excited than anything, followed by anxious/nervous excitement , followed by fear. Not life ruining, horrified terror, but just a small amount like when you think you locked your keys in your car, or that half second you feel like youre going to die when you lean back too far in your chair, that kind of fear. I would insert a pie graph here to show you visual people how i am feeling in percentages, but i don't know if this blog is capable of such complex actions. Most of the blogs after this will be more humorous, objective and interesting, I promise. They will not mostly be about my feelings, they will be about me, however, the most interesting topic possible. I will try to write everyday, at least everyday i make it back to my "flat" and am able to do anything besides pass out. Note: from here on in any blog, a 'Euroism' will be in quotes, as in the case of the aforementioned "flat"; unless otherwise specified. My bags are packed and I'm ready to go! I did in fact find a graph, it took forever so i hope you dont enjoy it too much

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